We Are All on Gilligan’s Island Now

Some thoughts on a peaceful life even in difficult times

Even in the most hopeless moments, and the most challenging times, there are steps we can take that will move us forward and bring us back into the light.

- Pray for others, as you also pray for yourself and your family.

- Express your creative spirit, every day, in many ways, or in the one way that calls to you most.

- Formulate your own spiritual practice, or adhere to one that makes your soul feel good.

- Consider that you are not alone and that there are forces in the universe to help, even when humans and leaders do not.

- Heal your own wounds and dance with your own shadows, the best you can, and get a therapist if needed.

- Find your tribe of people who empower you and also encourage you to be your authentic self and who genuinely support your happiness and growth.

- Avoid people who vex the spirit but send them love, not hate.

- Allow yourself the right to disconnect from old pathways and beliefs, and from people with who you simply are no longer meant to walk with.

- Heal family issues the best you can, but know you cannot change anyone, heal their trauma, or enforce consciousness and emotional awareness on anyone.

- Learn to hold the space of allowing other people’s beliefs and ideas, even if you vehemently disagree. In a world divided there are many streams of troughs and points of view, and we are all shaped by many social, cultural, religious, sociological factors, and we are not all right or wrong.

- Educate yourself and learn new things every day, even if isolated, and even if sad.

- Create healthy boundaries and be brave in self-protection.

- Give of yourself in meaningful ways, but don’t over-give. Allow others to give to you to balance things out.

- Seek wisdom from trusted teachers and share wisdom so that help ideas are not stagnant.

-Seek ways to enhance consciousness, awareness, emotional intelligence, spirituality, and emotional well-being.

-Get out in nature and breath fresh air whenever possible.

- Take social media breaks as needed.

- Let go of arrogance and entitlement. We are all on Gilligan's Island now and we have to learn to get along.

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Laurie Sue Brockway-She Who Scrivens

Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway, D.Min, has written extensively on women’s spirituality, self-esteem, emotional health, relationships, and weddings.